
Azadirachta indica

  • Plant Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Light Preference: Full Sun
  • Water Preference: Moderate, Low
  • Landscape Uses: Does well as a screening tree, hedge, shade tree and containers.
  • Size: Grows 15-20m tall with the same spread.
  • Soil Requirements: Best in clay, loamy & sandy soil.
  • Available Specifications: 1m – 5m height; 20mm – 120mm diameter
SKU: FHBT2024008 Categories: ,

Azadirachta indica is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 15-20 m, rarely to 35-40 m. It is evergreen but under severe drought it may shed most or nearly all its leaves. The branches are widespread. The dense crown is roundish or oval and may reach the diameter of 15-20 m in old, free-standing specimens. The trunk is relatively short, straight and may reach a diameter of 1.2 m. The bark is hard, fissured or scaly, and whitish grey to reddish-brown.


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